8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:00pm

On Halloween night, most families look forward to dressing up in costume and going trick-or-treating around the neighborhood, collecting piles upon piles of free candy. Although this time of the year is fun for children and adults alike, no one wants the holiday to leave a lasting impression on their smile. If you’re not careful, this age-old tradition can send your little one straight to their pediatric dentist with developing cavities. With that in mind, here are a few ways you can help your child’s pearly whites remain cavity-free.
Limit Sugar Intake
Before you go trick-or-treating, have a plan in place to limit the stash of Halloween candy and reduce your family’s intake. You can set a limit on the number of houses they visit or allow them to trade the bulk of their candy for a non-candy prize. Also, it’s a good idea to hide their remaining sweets in a place that’s not easily accessible. With these techniques, you can easily limit your child’s consumption of Halloween candy and keep their smile safe.
Discourage Snacking on Candy
Contrary to popular belief, snacking on candy throughout the day is not healthier than eating a handful at once. It only increases the amount of time your teeth are exposed to sugar, giving cavity-causing bacteria plenty of opportunities to attack the enamel. To lower the risk of tooth decay, encourage your child to eat multiple pieces of Halloween candy at once.
Be Picky About the Treats
Everyone knows that candy is not the best food for your dental health. However, some types are far more damaging than others. Sticky, gummy, and hard candies are the worst options for your teeth. They can get stuck between teeth and are difficult to remove, increasing your risk of oral health problems like cavities and decay. While your little one sorts through their bucket of Halloween candy, encourage them to keep chocolate and sugar-free sweets instead. They’re some of the least harmful treats because they’re easy to wash away from your mouth!
Practice Good Oral Hygiene
Amidst all the excitement and fun on Halloween night, it’s easy to forget about your oral health. Before your family hits the hay, remind everyone to practice their dental care routine. Brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash is crucial for keeping cavities at bay.
Maintain a Healthy Diet
Make sure your family continues to eat a well-balanced diet and drink plenty of water. By consuming foods that meet all your nutritional needs, everyone will “fill up” and feel less tempted to binge on Halloween candy. Plus, drinking plain water helps wash away harmful substances from the mouth, lowering the risk of decay and cavities.
Is your family ready for Halloween? Prepare for the night by reviewing these tips with everyone before going trick-or-treating. That way, you can keep tooth decay from threatening you and your child’s pearly whites!
About the Practice
At Dentistry of Wisconsin, we believe patients of all ages deserve to reap the benefits of a healthy, beautiful smile. Our highly skilled and experienced team will always go the extra mile to ensure you receive the best treatment possible. For more Halloween tips, visit our website or call our office.